Whatcha Thinkin’ About?

finally brothers

Father God, I pray that my thought-life will belong to You. Help me to never settle for simply thinking good thoughts. May I daily immerse myself in Your Word so that my inmost self is molded and shaped by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Thank you, Father, for the life of obedience, strength, and joy that results from pursuing Your heart and mind. I love You, Jesus.

Praying that you have a Phil. 4:8 week!


Leigh Ann 🙂

Go for the Gold!

Image result for olympicsHave you caught it? You know, Olympic fever.

That marvelous illness that makes us want to set a timer when we run to the mailbox. Awesome. I obliterated my last time by four seconds. Bam.

I’m completely hooked. Yesterday I jumped from our front porch swing and stuck the landing.

Another bam.

Even my 2 ½ -year-old grandson jumps around “competing,” then stops and places his hand over his heart. I guess it’s never too early to practice your victorious national anthem stance. Continue reading

What to Do With an Ordinary Day

Do you ever feel like you’re drowning in the everyday-ness of life? Do you wonder if anything you do makes a difference?

Did you know that God provides a way to take the regular, run-of-the-mill, ordinary day and transform it into the incredible?

Check out Romans 12:1 and see if it doesn’t put a spring in your step this week! There’s nothing like a little purpose and perspective to get the heart and soul riled up 🙂

everyday life 2 Continue reading

5 Anchor Verses in an Upside-Down World

anchor1Do we feel a tad squeamish when turning to the evening news? Do thoughts of what we’ll hear this time make our hearts tighten?

The state of our union has been discussed, analyzed, argued, and criticized. Every media source is loaded with “experts” telling us how to think and what to feel.

Everyone has an answer.

But no one seems to know what to do and where to turn.

Maybe a little perspective is in order. Continue reading

“We All Need Something”

1Peter 3 15In the aftermath of the Orlando tragedies, there is a chaotic blur of sorrow, asking why, placing blame, and searching for answers.

In the hours of news coverage, one survivor’s interview leaped out at me. I replayed the words several times and the weight of them sent me to the foot of the Cross.


I believe the words of this precious, hurting soul highlight our mission as Christians.

They are a call to action.  Continue reading


So, I’m sitting at lunch with a group of writers at a recent conference. We chat about our food, the weather, where we’re from, and our present work-in-progress.

The nice man to my right seems genuinely interested in sharing our work and we exchange a couple of minutes of conversation. Then, as he turns to respond to someone else, my gaze drops to his name tag.

How about that. He has the same name as… Continue reading

Praise for the Promise

new thing pic

Oh Father, how I praise You for the promise of spring! When Your creation begins to awaken, it reminds me of Your constant presence and faithfulness. Precious Lord, do a new thing in me! Shine Your Spirit-light into the darkest corners of my heart—reaching, probing, drawing me into deeper waters with You. Thank you for making a way through the wilderness and for bringing streams of living water into the wasteland. I love You, my Lord and my Strength.

3 Verses for When Life Doesn’t Make Sense (And We’re Tempted to Doubt God)


stormpicWe all have them—times that our feet get knocked out from under us. Life happens and we feel blind-sided by pain and sorrow.

Betrayal. Death. Financial hardship. Sickness. Job loss.

We feel trapped in a cloud of confusion and no matter how hard we pray, we can’t feel God’s presence or see His hand in our circumstances. Continue reading