An Open Letter to My College Kid


Hi, Sweetheart. Mom here.

It’s that time of year and I’m feeling it—that uncomfortable heart-squeeze from the effort of letting you go. Again.

You would think it gets easier, but um…it doesn’t. So with that in mind, there are a few things I would like to say. None of this is new to you—but humor me. Sometimes a mom needs to “put it all out there.” (We tend to worry about gaps in your life-education.)

So, here goes…

    1. You are loved. My love for you is crazy, off-the-charts, over-the-moon huge. And deep. And unconditional. But the amazing part? My love for you doesn’t hold a candle to God’s love for you. (I know, right? Mind-boggling.)
    2. It’s time for you to live. Really live. I want you to reach, stretch, and dream. I long for you to excel, hope, and soar. I want you to wipe the word “mediocre” from your vocabulary—an ugly word because it places your life on cruise-control. A tragic word because it lacks passion and promise. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Live.    
    3. Don’t be stupid. Stay under the umbrella of God’s protection. He gave us laws and precepts for a reason. Don’t care to deal with certain consequences? Stay under the umbrella.
    4. Be gutsy. Take a chance—try something new. Develop your gifts. Don’t hide in the familiar. Pray for wisdom and discernment…then go. (But don’t be stupid—see #3)
    5. Leave self-consciousness by the side of the road and focus on Christ-consciousness. If you commit to holding every circumstance and every encounter against the backdrop of the Cross, you will be blessed with wisdom, true perspective, and clarity of thought.
    6. Your life-values and faith will be challenged. “Learned” men and women will profess new enlightenment and will scoff at what you know to be Truth. When this happens, take a breath and look around. Our society is very “enlightened.” How’s it working out for them? (See #3)
    7. Jesus is your Anchor, your Strength, and your Source of Life. I’ve noticed that you tend to let your IPhone and other gadgets run out of juice. Don’t do the same with your heart and soul. Stay grafted in the Vine—the Source of growth and nourishment.
    8. If you ever forget #3, call me. I will always, always love you. Jesus forgives me so how could I do less?
    9. Remember how treasured you are. Don’t look for your worth in empty flattery, current trends, or in someone else’s eyes. You have worth and value because you are an image-bearer of the Creator of the Universe. Anyone who says otherwise is promoting a lie from the pit of Hell.
    10. You are here—in this place—for such a time as this. Look around. Get out of your bubble and engage. Make a difference in your world. And when you wind down at the end of each day, have the courage to ask God to reveal Himself to you. Hi, Abba, Father…are you proud of me today? Did I honor You? Then be still and listen.

Above all, remember that I am here and I will always be your loudest cheerleader (I know, not in public…).

I can’t wait to watch your journey!

Praying and loving,


PS. Call me anytime 🙂


Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;  in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:3-6

6 thoughts on “An Open Letter to My College Kid

  1. I love this!!! Can I copy it???? Can I give it to my children now, pre-college?? They need to know these things that I so fall short of saying eloquently or otherwise. Thank you, LeighAnn!


    • Thanks, Katherine. Yes! Do with it what you will. I’ve been praying that God will use it in His way and in His timing. It’s NEVER too early to talk about these things with our children (it takes lots of repetition!) 🙂


  2. Wow this is so well done! I love the way you hit the truth without sounding preachy. That’s a note I’m constantly trying to strike with my teens. I’d love to share it too! Beautiful and bold. Love!!


    • Thanks, Maresa. Our teens sometimes think we’re being preachy (maybe a LOT of the time). Ha! I constantly wonder…did my husband and I “cover it all?” I am so thankful for being able to continue “covering” it by praying for them.
      Thanks for your encouragement! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Just found your letter – love how you expressed these precious thoughts! I have a daughter who’s a high school sophomore, and I know that our home will be forever changed when she leaves for college. Not that change is all bad, but it will be a huge adjustment! Trying to savor the years we have together in this season.


    • Thanks, Tracey! And yes, savor the years (they go by at the speed of light). You’re right–the change is not all bad, but there are days when I can’t BELIEVE she’s not a little one sitting at the kitchen counter watching me fix dinner. I’m so thankful our Lord walks with us through these days 🙂
      What an honor and privilege to pray for them!


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